2024 Performance Management - Hiring to Retiring

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  • Location
    • Your Computer
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      ISCPA / ACPEN Webinar, ID 00000
  • Credits
    • 3.00
  • Credit Type(s)
    • Business Management & Organization (3.00)
  • Prerequisites
    • None

  • Vendor
    • ACPEN
  • Level
    • Intermediate
  • Fields of Study
    • Business Management & Organization
  • Message
    • Virtual Experience


How you onboard a new employee is critical in ensuring they understand your company culture and are immersed properly in your organization. On the flipside, in the event you are dealing with an employee termination, this too is critical in handling with care and sensitivity.  

  • Presented by John Daly

    • Delivery Format: Live Webcast Replay

    Designed For

    All business professionals


    • Improve your onboarding process with practical strategics you can implement to set the new hire up for success
    • Understand how to navigate involuntary terminations with dignity and respect


    • Employee Engagement
    • Recruiting/Staffing
    • Talent Management
    • Employee Relations

    Advanced Prep


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