HR Guide to Evolving Business Strategy, Finance and Development

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  • Location
    • Your Computer
      Your Space
      ISCPA / ACPEN Webinar, ID 00000
  • Credits
    • 1.00
  • Credit Type(s)
    • Personnel / HR (1.00)
  • Prerequisites
    • None

  • Vendor
    • ACPEN
  • Level
    • Beginning
  • Fields of Study
    • Personnel/Human Resources
  • Message
    • Virtual Experience


To move beyond the HR realm it is essential for HR professionals to understand planning at the strategic and tactical level. This session is designed to help HR professionals understand the overall strategic planning process so they can contribute at the executive level.

  • Presented by Roger Wolkoff

    • Delivery Format: Live Webcast Replay

    Designed For

    All business professionals


    • Understand the overall strategic management process
    • Create a workable and usable business plan, whether it be a simplified  one-page plan or a more complex multi-page detailed plan.
    • Create a workable and usable strategic plan – simplified or detailed.
    • Understand how corporate culture, leadership and staff development can  energize or destroy strategic management principles.  


    • Corporate Culture
    • Strategic Planning
    • Leadership
    • Staff Development


    Advanced Prep


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