A 7-Step Framework for Marketing Client Accounting Services

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  • Location
    • Your Computer
      Your Space
      ISCPA / CPA Crossing Webinar, ID 00000
  • Credits
    • 1.00
  • Credit Type(s)
    • Business Management & Organization (1.00)
  • Prerequisites
    • None

  • Vendor
    • CPA Crossings
  • Level
    • Basic
  • Fields of Study
    • Business Management & Organization
  • Message
    • Virtual Experience


This course will help you develop an effective plan for revenue generation with client accounting services. The course will help you define and market to your chosen niches with effective and cost-efficient tactics. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.
  • Presented by Gaynor Hardy (Meilke), MS, CBC
  • Designed For

    Accounting professionals developing and offering client accounting services.


    After attending this presentation, you will be able to...

    • Identify profitable business niches
    • Recall key attributes of the audiences that you want to reach
    • Identify effective packages and services for CAS services
    • Recognize how to deliver a marketable service offering
    • Identify strategies for lead generation
    • Recall a process for selling to leads
    • Select the right technology to help close sales and nurture referrals


    The major topics covered in this class include:

    • An efficient process to identify, attract and consultatively sell CAS to new prospects
    • Remain and leverage being "top of mind" with prospects and existing by communicating the real value of your services using a variety of channels
    • How to efficiently create and deliver an effective, ongoing, marketing, and sales plan with specific tools and tactics to sell your firm's CAS offering and differentiate you in the market

    Advanced Prep


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