CPA Exam update:

September 25, 2024

By Bryan Strickland, for the Journal of Accountancy 

Testing and grading windows for the Core sections of the CPA Exam will quadruple in 2025, providing more flexibility for test takers.

And, while the Discipline sections will remain on a quarterly schedule for a second year, test takers will have one additional opportunity to tackle their chosen Discipline section in 2025.

The new model of the exam, which debuted at the start of the year, features three Core sections that everyone must take, plus three Discipline sections, among which candidates select one to take.

After a year of testing is in the books, the Core sections will have been administered and reviewed enough times to prove that the model is statistically sound, allowing for an expanded schedule in 2025.

On the other hand, each of the three Discipline sections won't have been administered and reviewed as many times, so the quarterly testing approach used for all the sections in the exam's first year will remain in place for 2025.

However, a fifth opportunity to take a Discipline section will be added to the quarterly schedule for 2025. The additional period is being added in consideration of the extension of exam credits until June 30, 2025, that were earned under the previous model and were still valid as of Jan. 1, 2024.

In addition to Discipline testing windows that run the length of January, April, July, and October, a June window also will be offered.

The planned testing schedules for 2025 can be found at this link.



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